Monday, May 27, 2013

Final Draft

Harry Chin

English 1A

2013 May 26

Professor Knapp


Dear Taxpayer,

As of today in American society, there are millions of Americans who are suffering from sickness and many other unhealthy conditions, but they do not have health care. A universal healthcare plan in America would cause a price reduction in health care and increase the affordability for the people. Within the recent years, president Obama created this program called the Obamacare to combat this problem. Obamacare is a national health care plan that basically makes health care more accessible for a lot of uninsured Americans. This program regulates the health insurance industry by reducing spending in health care. This plan is aimed towards people in lower to middle social class and the problems of financially affording health care. As taxpayers, we should realize that this issue is a severe problem in our own society that we should acknowledge. Obamacare is plan that America needs because the plan emphasizes how healthcare should be a necessity to everyone.

A big issue arises when we talk about the term “healthcare.” There have been many people who have been rejected in seek of medical help. Sometimes these denials are due to preexisting conditions, or to experimental or unnecessary procedures. –Example- Preexisting conditions are fairly common. The unfairness of how certain requirements need to be met for insurance companies to allow you to have coverage is quite ridiculous. The insurance companies are basically putting a price tag on you and choosing the cheapest (healthiest) people to sell their insurance to. There are also some people that are denied healthcare coverage and sometimes must struggle pay their medical bills in their own expense.

This Obamacare plan was intended to reduce the overall wellness health care price by making solutions obtainable to people who presently can’t manage insurance coverage. I can relate because I have many friends and relatives and family who currently don’t have health insurance. At hospitals, they often use the hospital emergency rooms as their main wellness health care solutions; this increases   price for everyone. Not to mention many individuals go undiagnosed every year because they could not manage to attend regular medical checkups due to no insurance coverage. For the people in my family friends and neighborhood who cannot afford health insurance, the federal government will pay the state to add them to Medicaid. The income requirement is expanded up to one hundred percent of the federal poverty level.

The second major issue that Obamacare of 2010 deals with is children who have pre-existing conditions. Many of the kids that go to school have been denied health insurance because of a pre-existing condition. Pre-existing conditions are certain health conditions that individuals are born with. With Obamacare intact, Insurance companies cannot deny children coverage for pre-existing conditions. This benefit will apply to everyone in America in 2014. Many people are opposed to this plan because they believe that asa result for accepting all kids for healthcare instead of the price lowering, the healthcare cost may actually increase. They also state that it is advanced one size fits all health system which is not true at all.

Obamacare has already benefitted millions of people by providing them insurance. Simply put, viewing the statistics from several provision acts, the plan seems as though it is a positive to many Americans. In 2011, about an estimated 86 million Americans used provisions in the Affordable Care Act which is very similar to the Obamacare plan to get care and aid through their insurance plans for no cost. As a result, over 2.5 million seniors have saved about an estimate of 1.5$ billions dollars in paying for prescription medicine. According to CNNMONEY, statistics show that in 2012, approximately 84 million Americans were uninsured. Out of this many Americans who had no healthcare coverage, we can see that the provisional act has already help even more Amiericans who are uninsured.

Many people are still against the pre-emptive attacks on a law that, for the most part, hasn’t gone into effect yet. The obama plan was widely discouraged by a number of people. Taxpayers were discouraged I nthe idea of paying for other peoples needs. This is a justified reason for an individual to have this belief, but in the long term it helps the economy as the whole.Something had to be done about health care .The fact that almost three-quarters of Americans saw health care reform as stated in the CNN MONEY news statistics as an urgent priority in the fall of 2009. President Obama finnaly came up with the Obamaccare plan. As many americans who have suffered from lack of coverage,

Healthcare is an issue that still needs to be dealt with. In terms of the world, healthcare is just a miniscule problem along with many other detrimental issues, but healthcare is an issue that effects our daily lives.  The president is currently trying to adapt the research upon the effects of the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. The goal of this plan is to meet the needs of all Americans while keeping all the costs down. At the end of the day, while Americans are still on the fence about the Affordable Care Act as a blanket concept, and when the people are asked about this topic, of course they will respond in a supportive manner. The need of Obamacare is strong and within the near future, many Americans will appreciate the fact that this law has bettered their society. As taxpayers, we have to be proactive and help support where our money should be directed towards.



Works Cited

"The Five Biggest Problems In Health Care Today." Forbes. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 May 2013.

"Millions can't afford to go to the doctor - Apr. 26, 2013." CNNMoney. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 May 2013.

"What is ObamaCare / What is Health Care For America?" ObamaCare Facts: Obama's Health Care Reform. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 May 2013.

Saturday, May 25, 2013


HealthCare (Revised DRAFT)

As of today in America, there are millions of Americans who are suffering from sickness and unhealthy conditions, but they do not have health care. A universal healthcare plan in America would cause a price reduction in health care and increase the affordability for the people. Within the recent years, president Obama created this program called the Obamacare to combat this problem. Obamacare is a national health care plan that basically makes health care more accessible for a lot of uninsured Americans. This program regulates the health insurance industry by reducing spending in health care. This plan is aimed towards people in lower to middle social class and the problems of financially affording health care. Obamacare is plan that America needs because the plan emphasizes how healthcare should be a necessity to everyone.

A big issue arises when we talk about the term “healthcare.” There have been many people who have been rejected in seek of medical help. Sometimes these denials are due to preexisting conditions, or to experimental or unnecessary procedures. –Example- Preexisting conditions are fairly common. The unfairness of how certain requirements need to be met for insurance companies to allow you to have coverage is quite ridiculous. The insurance companies are basically putting a price tag on you and choosing the cheapest (healthiest) people to sell their insurance to. There are also some people that are denied healthcare coverage and sometimes must struggle pay their medical bills in their own expense.

This Obamacare plan was intended to reduce the overall wellness health care price by making solutions obtainable to people who presently can’t manage insurance coverage. I can relate because I have many friends and relatives and family who currently don’t have health insurance. At hospitals, they often use the hospital emergency rooms as their main wellness health care solutions; this increases   price for everyone. Not to mention many individuals go undiagnosed every year because they could not manage to attend regular medical checkups due to no insurance coverage. For the people in my family friends and neighborhood who cannot afford health insurance, the federal government will pay the state to add them to Medicaid. The income requirement is expanded up to one hundred percent of the federal poverty level.

The second major issue that Obamacare of 2010 deals with is children who have pre-existing conditions. Many of the kids that go to school have been denied health insurance because of a pre-existing condition. Pre-existing conditions are certain health conditions that individuals are born with. With Obamacare intact, Insurance companies cannot deny children coverage for pre-existing conditions. This benefit will apply to everyone in America in 2014. Many people are opposed to this plan because they believe that asa result for accepting all kids for healthcare instead of the price lowering, the healthcare cost may actually increase. They also state that it is advanced one size fits all health system which is not true at all.

Obamacare has already benefitted millions of people by providing them insurance. Simply put, viewing the statistics from several provision acts, the plan seems as though it is a positive to many Americans. In 2011, about an estimated 86 million Americans used provisions in the Affordable Care Act which is very similar to the Obamacare plan to get care and aid through their insurance plans for no cost. As a result, over 2.5 million seniors have saved about an estimate of 1.5$ billions dollars in paying for prescription medicine. According to CNNMONEY, statistics show that in 2012, approximately 84 million Americans were uninsured. Out of this many Americans who had no healthcare coverage, we can see that the provisional act has already help even more Amiericans who are uninsured.

Many people are still against the pre-emptive attacks on a law that, for the most part, hasn’t gone into effect yet. The obama plan was widely discouraged by a number of people. Taxpayers were discouraged I nthe idea of paying for other peoples needs. This is a justified reason for an individual to have this belief, but in the long term it helps the economy as the whole.Something had to be done about health care .The fact that almost three-quarters of Americans saw health care reform as stated in the CNN MONEY news statistics as an urgent priority in the fall of 2009. President Obama finnaly came up with the Obamaccare plan. As many americans who have suffered from lack of coverage,

Healthcare is an issue that still needs to be dealt with. Still as of today, the president is trying to adapt and research upon the effects of the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. The goal of this plan is to meet the needs of all Americans while keeping all the costs down. At the end of the day, while Americans are still on the fence about the Affordable Care Act as a blanket concept, and when the people are asked about this topic, of course they will respond ina supportive manner. The need of Obamacare is strong and within the near future, many thankful Americans will appreciate the fact that this law will pass. As taxpayers, we need to realize where our money should be directed towards.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Rough Draft

HealthCare (DRAFT)

As of today in America, there are millions of Americans who are suffering from sickness and unhealthy conditions, but they do not have health care. A universal healthcare plan in America would cause a price reduction in health care and increase the affordability for the people. Within the recent years, president Obama created this program called the Obamacare to combat this problem. Obamacare is a national health care plan that basically makes health care more accessible for a lot of uninsured Americans. This program regulates the health insurance industry by reducing spending in health care. This plan is aimed towards people in lower to middle social class and the problems of financially affording health care. Obamacare is plan that America needs because the plan emphasizes how healthcare should be a necessity to everyone.

A big issue arises when we talk about the term “healthcare.” There have been many people who have been rejected in seek of medical help. Sometimes these denials are due to preexisting conditions, or to experimental or unnecessary procedures. –Example- Preexisting conditions are fairly common. The unfairness of how certain requirements need to be met for insurance companies to allow you to have coverage is quite ridiculous. The insurance companies are basically putting a price tag on you and choosing the cheapest (healthiest) people to sell their insurance to. There are also some people that are denied healthcare coverage and sometimes must struggle pay their medical bills in their own expense.

This Obamacare plan was intended to reduce the overall wellness health care price by making solutions obtainable to people who presently can’t manage insurance coverage. I can relate because I have many friends and relatives and family who currently don’t have health insurance. At hospitals, they often use the hospital emergency rooms as their main wellness health care solutions; this increases   price for everyone. Not to mention many individuals go undiagnosed every year because they could not manage to attend regular medical checkups due to no insurance coverage. For the people in my family friends and neighborhood who cannot afford health insurance, the federal government will pay the state to add them to Medicaid. The income requirement is expanded up to one hundred percent of the federal poverty level.

The second major issue that Obamacare of 2010 deals with is children who have pre-existing conditions. Many of the kids that go to school have been denied health insurance because of a pre-existing condition. Pre-existing conditions are certain health conditions that individuals are born with. With Obamacare intact, Insurance companies cannot deny children coverage for pre-existing conditions. This benefit will apply to everyone in America in 2014. Many people are opposed to this plan because they believe that asa result for accepting all kidsfor healthcare instead of the price lowering, the healthcare cost may actually increase. They also state that it is advanced one size fits all health system which is not true at all.

Obamacare has benefitted millions of people by providing them insurance.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Hadley, Janet. Abortion: Between Freedom and Necessity. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1996. Print.

The author, a British journalist, uses data such as statistics and laws that central around the idea of abortion. She composed a comprehensive work stating that abortion should be legalized and also easily accessible to the public and not view morally wrong worldwide. She gives an insight to the infinite possibilities on why legalizing abortion will better the world and talks upon it on the basis of the rights of women. She includes many stories from many recon tries and whole wide spectrum of issues that are brought up along the lines of abortion such as aids HIV and parental issues and such. She believes that for many to concede the pro-life movement, people must understand that this is a controversial debate. In contrast, many people argue about abortion is unmoral that they make this debate have almost no perceptible common ground.  
Kaczor, Christopher R. The Ethics of Abortion: Women's Rights, Human Life, and the Question of Justice. New York: Routledge, 2011. EBSCOHost eBook Collection. Web. 29 Apr. 2013.

The author, professor at Loyola Martmount University use data from personal experience of those who underwent under the cases of abortion and critiques the perspective that abortion is not in any way inhuman and wrong in any sense. He examines hard cases where even if the baby is just beginning to become a fetus, the option of abortion is not morally wrong. Such hard cases consist of rape, and sex slaves and other rationales and why people are so personally opposed to the idea. Another way he incorporates this is by having the stories of these women’s past and connects it toward their rationality of abortion. In contrast, many argue that all intentional abortions are morally wrong and that many doctors who reject abortion should not be manipulated and forced to go against their consciences.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

RA: Killer Culture

Rhetorical Analysis: “Killer Culture”

            In the article “Killer Culture”, David Kupelian writes about how the media and our society is corrupted and poisoned the younger generations thus far. This article is directed towards the parents of the children and teens who are being targeted. Kupelian writes in a very bias manner, in a way in such that it only views the negative reasons of how this generation is being brain washed. This audience he is trying to direct this essay to is biased one sided conservatives. Note that, I said conservatives because his beliefs and thoughts are very narrowed in the conservative spectrum.
Kupelian writes his essay in a very nonchalant manner.  He attempts to throw in terms to let =audience recognize the current terms and kinds of speech that are so called “hit” these days. He starts off by giving off his own personal example of the problem of that the younger generations are facing and then he leads on to a more academic route. But in some aspects of it, he inputs his own analysis and opinion about this killer culture. His input makes it seems as though this culture is rapidly dying due to the media and all the kids these days are being influenced by like what’s on television. His view makes it seem as though he is very inconsiderate and not really listening what the opposing sides argument has to offer.

Kupelian wants to indulge the reader into what the younger generations are suffering from. He wants to persuade us into believing that all these corporations, media, are influencing every child in a negative way. One example he states is his son. His son was always so young and innocent, but when he met his cousin, he saw his cousin as a cool hip person with a dog necklace around him. Later o, his son wanted the exact same thing and he became furious. After consoling with his son, he made his son realized how ridiculous it was when his son told his dad he never wanted the necklace. This shows how the young kids can be influenced so easily in our society and that the media takes advantage of young innocent minds. Whatever the media portrays as the new trend, many young kids will be influenced by it. Because if one kid has it, other kids want to ‘fit in” and keep up with the latest trends.

In the article “Killer Culture” Kuplian organizes his article by giving out his own person examples and examples throughout the essay to let readers be able to absorb what point he is attempting to make. He constructed his essay first with examples and then right after he adds his own thoughts on it. He views this generation of teens as killer culture, meaning a culture that will die soon because of media influences. His biased views and thoughts are shadowed upon his analysis and as a reader we can clearly see the stance he is coming from. If not, people might take offense to what he writes.