Sunday, May 19, 2013

Rough Draft

HealthCare (DRAFT)

As of today in America, there are millions of Americans who are suffering from sickness and unhealthy conditions, but they do not have health care. A universal healthcare plan in America would cause a price reduction in health care and increase the affordability for the people. Within the recent years, president Obama created this program called the Obamacare to combat this problem. Obamacare is a national health care plan that basically makes health care more accessible for a lot of uninsured Americans. This program regulates the health insurance industry by reducing spending in health care. This plan is aimed towards people in lower to middle social class and the problems of financially affording health care. Obamacare is plan that America needs because the plan emphasizes how healthcare should be a necessity to everyone.

A big issue arises when we talk about the term “healthcare.” There have been many people who have been rejected in seek of medical help. Sometimes these denials are due to preexisting conditions, or to experimental or unnecessary procedures. –Example- Preexisting conditions are fairly common. The unfairness of how certain requirements need to be met for insurance companies to allow you to have coverage is quite ridiculous. The insurance companies are basically putting a price tag on you and choosing the cheapest (healthiest) people to sell their insurance to. There are also some people that are denied healthcare coverage and sometimes must struggle pay their medical bills in their own expense.

This Obamacare plan was intended to reduce the overall wellness health care price by making solutions obtainable to people who presently can’t manage insurance coverage. I can relate because I have many friends and relatives and family who currently don’t have health insurance. At hospitals, they often use the hospital emergency rooms as their main wellness health care solutions; this increases   price for everyone. Not to mention many individuals go undiagnosed every year because they could not manage to attend regular medical checkups due to no insurance coverage. For the people in my family friends and neighborhood who cannot afford health insurance, the federal government will pay the state to add them to Medicaid. The income requirement is expanded up to one hundred percent of the federal poverty level.

The second major issue that Obamacare of 2010 deals with is children who have pre-existing conditions. Many of the kids that go to school have been denied health insurance because of a pre-existing condition. Pre-existing conditions are certain health conditions that individuals are born with. With Obamacare intact, Insurance companies cannot deny children coverage for pre-existing conditions. This benefit will apply to everyone in America in 2014. Many people are opposed to this plan because they believe that asa result for accepting all kidsfor healthcare instead of the price lowering, the healthcare cost may actually increase. They also state that it is advanced one size fits all health system which is not true at all.

Obamacare has benefitted millions of people by providing them insurance.

1 comment:

  1. Great start here! This is an important letter because there are so many people who are confused about "Obamacare." I am interested to see if you are going to include the information from you annotations here. I think you certainly could as the issue of abortion has been one of the most contentious in Washington as the government has continued to discuss "Obamacare." Great start, but you need to add your evidence and make clear what your claim is in relation to your specific audience in your the thesis. In other words, are you writing to clarify the importance of "Obamacare"? Do you want your audience to better understand and embrace this new health care law. Or are you writing to inform the audience on certain aspects of the law? See if you can clarify your purpose in the roadmap, which will also clarify your argument in the body TEAs. Great work!
