Sunday, June 2, 2013

Polished Final Paper

Harry Chin

English 1A

2013 May 26

Professor Knapp


Dear Taxpayer of the United States of America,

As of today in American society, there are millions of Americans who are suffering from sickness and many other unhealthy conditions, but they do not have health care. A universal healthcare plan in America would cause a price reduction in health care and increase the affordability for the people. Within the recent years, president Obama created this program called the Obamacare to combat this problem. Obamacare is a national health care plan that basically makes health care more accessible for a lot of uninsured Americans. This program regulates the health insurance industry by reducing spending in health care. This plan is aimed towards people in lower to middle social class and the problems of financially affording health care. As taxpayers, we should realize that this issue is a severe problem in our own society that we should acknowledge. Obamacare is plan that America needs because the plan emphasizes how healthcare should be a necessity to everyone.

A big issue arises when we talk about the term healthcare. There have been many people who have been rejected in seek of medical help. Sometimes these denials are due to preexisting conditions, or to experimental or unnecessary procedures. Preexisting conditions are fairly common. Some preexisting conditions can consists of heart disease, cancer, asthma, high blood pressure, arthritis, and many more (Sorian). The unfairness of how certain requirements need to be met for insurance companies to allow you to have coverage is quite ridiculous. The insurance companies are basically putting a price tag on people such as you and choosing the cheapest (healthiest) people to sell their insurance to. There are also some people that are denied healthcare coverage and sometimes must struggle to pay their medical bills in their own expense.

This Obamacare plan was intended to combat this problem by reducing the overall wellness health care price to make insurance coverage obtainable to the people. If we have more money, then essentially we can use it to help many people. People who do not have insurance coverage are at daily risk at trying to stay as healthy as possibly. I can relate because I have many friends and relatives and family who currently don’t have health insurance and says they never been to the doctors. That really shocked me because at that time, I was still young and I thought it was normal to visit your doctor about once every year not to mention many individuals go undiagnosed every year because they could not manage to attend regular medical checkups also due to no insurance coverage. For the people in my family, friends, and other close acquaintances who cannot afford health insurance, according to Obamacare Facts, Obamacare states is that if they meet the requirements, the federal government will pay the state to add them to Medicaid.

The second major issue that Obamacare handles with is children who have pre-existing conditions (Binder). Many of the kids that go to school have been denied health insurance because of a pre-existing condition. They are denied because treatment for these problems are costly. Pre-existing conditions are certain health conditions that individuals are born with and at a young age without any health insurance, With Obamacare intact, insurance companies cannot deny children coverage for pre-existing conditions. This benefit will apply to every child by America in 2014.


To the whole society, there are always controversy on a new law whether it will benefit or harm the people. In terms of Obamacare, there are many who support this by claiming that it benefits the society and others who claims it’s a detrimental effect. Some reason people are opposed to this plan because they argue that their own individual health care cost will rise. They believe that if hospitals start accepting all kids for healthcare, instead of the price lowering, the healthcare cost may actually increase for the population as a whole. They also state that it is advanced one size fits all health system solution which is not true at all. To trial this, the government implemented this act called the Affordable Care Act which is very similar to what Obaamcare had to offer, but temporary prior to the Obarmacare. The Affordable Care Act has already benefitted millions of people by providing them insurance and has yet to see an increase in healthcare for individuals who are already covered. Simply put, viewing the statistics from several provision acts, the plan seems as though it is a positive to many Americans. In 2011, about an estimated 86 million Americans used provisions in the Affordable Care Act to get care and aid through their insurance plans for no cost. As a result, over 2.5 million seniors have saved about an estimate of 1.5$ billions dollars in paying for prescription medicine (Binder). According to CNNMONEY, statistics show that in 2012, approximately 84 million Americans were uninsured. Out of this many Americans who had no healthcare coverage, we can see that the provisional act has already help even more Americans who are uninsured and has not affect ones who are insured.

Many people also argue that Obama care will increase tax and some individuals have done pre-emptive attacks on a law that is not even officially fully has been taken into effect. The Obama plan was widely discouraged by a number of people. Taxpayers were discouraged by the idea of paying for other people’s needs and in this case, other people’s health care. This is a justified reason for an individual to have this belief, but in the long term it helps the economy as the whole. We have to think about the many who are uninsured. How many of Americans have friends or close relatives who do not have health insurance? As an individual who has always had insurance, I wouldn’t be fully able to understand the struggle of those who do not. Something has to be done about health care or else many uncovered Americans will just keep continuing to suffer. As stated in the CNN MONEY news statistics, the fact that almost three-quarters of Americans saw health care reform as an urgent priority in the fall of 2009. President Obama finally came up with the Obamaccare plan. As many americans who have suffered from lack of coverage, People also argue a

Healthcare is an issue that still needs to be dealt with. In terms of the world, healthcare is just a miniscule problem along with many other detrimental issues, but more importantly, healthcare is an issue that effects our daily lives.  The president is currently trying to adapt the research upon the effects of the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. The goal of this plan is to meet the needs of all Americans while keeping all the costs down. At the end of the day, while Americans are still on the fence about the Affordable Care Act as a blanket concept, and when the people are asked about this topic, of course they will respond in a supportive manner. When a new law gets introduced, of course there would be many debates on whether it should be passed. But from statistics shown, the need of Obamacare is mandatory and within the near future, many Americans will realize and appreciate that this law had passed and bettered their society as a whole. As taxpayers, we have to be proactive and make a good decision by redirecting where our money towards helping individuals who lack health care.



Works Cited

Binder, Leah. "The Five Biggest Problems In Health Care Today." Forbes. N.p., 21 Feb. 2013. Web. 2 June 2013.

Luhby, Tami. "Millions can't afford to go to the doctor - Apr. 26, 2013." CNNMoney. N.p., 26 Apr. 2013. Web. 2 June 2013.

Sorian, Richard. "Protecting Americans with Pre-existing Conditions |" Home | N.p., 18 Jan. 2011. Web. 1 June 2013.

"What is ObamaCare / What is Health Care For America?" ObamaCare Facts: Obama's Health Care Reform. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 June 2013.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for a great argument. You do a good job of acknowledging the reluctance of some members of your audience by presenting both sides. You also have some good evidence and reasoning (logos) although "Obamacare" is just a nickname for the Affordable Health Care act, not a temporary program, so there are a few disconnects. There are also a few sentence level errors on the hard copy (more here) that do not impede meaning, but both of these issues impact your ethos. Overall, this was interesting and informative to read and the topic is very important. Your paper is also well organized and you have excellent sources and make some great points about a very complex topic. As you continue your academic pursuits, pay careful attention to the final polish stage where you are simply the editor. Try to use some more transitional language (from the handout)and keep working with TEA. Nice job here Harry!
    Blog score: 9
    Paper: 5-
